Psalm 121: 1-2
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
A week ago we received another shut down order from the government of Ontario and I felt something inside me shrivel up. Then a few days later we got news that we would return to online learning and the little germ all but disappeared. That something has a name, its name was hope. The hope that COVID would be over and life would return to normal.
Hope is a very human emotion we hold on to. Have you ever heard the saying hope against hope? It's the undying desire of every human being to hope that even if something looks hopeless, we hope it will turn out differently. Although I've been a Christian for a long time, sometimes I've struggled to hope. Right now is one of those times. The hope that one day life will return to how it was and we will live a life without vaccines, social distancing, hand sanitizer and yes, a life without masks. But that most likely won't be our reality in the near future or even until the Lord comes to fetch us.
So where can we find hope?
Psalm 121 was most likely written by David in a time of great distress when he needed reassurance that God was with him and would be his help and protector for whatever was to come. In verses 1 and 2, David tells us where his hope came from. The Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth. You see, David knew no matter what troubles the road ahead held, God would be with him. He had no doubt of God's ability to be God. Matthew Henry writes, "To stay ourselves upon God as a God of power and a God all-sufficient for us. David did so and found the benefit of it. We must not rely upon creatures, upon men and means, instruments and second causes, nor make flesh our arm.
Dear friends, now is our time to look to the hills, not flee to them. We know where our help comes from. Where our hope comes from. There is so much conflicting news bombarding us we can't tell fact from fiction, but this one truth stands firm, God is our help and our hope. Let us hold fast to the promises of Hebrews 10:23,
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
Now it not the time to fret, now is the time to hope because our God has never failed nor will He. He is still on the throne and still rules and overrules on the Earth.
As, for me, I'm going to stick that verse on my forehead and hold on to the promises of Him who is faithful. God has pulled me through many situations and will continue to do so because my God doesn't know how to fail.
Until next time.