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The battle is the Lords'

Writer: Michelle DykmanMichelle Dykman

I don't often read the great old voices of the faith however this week I read a devotion written by Charles Spurgeon that had quite an impact on me. Although the devotion was written during the time of World War 2 his words were so timely even for today. After all the human race in a battle this time it's not guns and bombs this time it a virus. These are his words:

God's people are still warring on earth, Jesus Christ being the captain of their salvation. He has said, "Lo! I am with you always, even to the end of the world." Hark to the shouts of war! Now let the people of God stand fast in their ranks and let no man's heart fail him....The Saviour is, by His Spirit, still on earth; let this cheer us. He is ever in the midst of the fight, and therefore the battle is not doubtful. And as conflict rages, what sweet satisfaction it is to know that the Lord Jesus, in His office as our great Intercessor, is prevalently pleading for His people....Onward! "For the battle is not yours but God's." Copyright Zondervan Publishing. Morning and Evening Daily Readings by Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

Dear Friend, the battle is the Lords, have a wonderful week and God bless you.



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